Students for a
Fossil Free Future

We are an inter-university, student-led campaign that urges Singaporean universities to transition away from their current partnerships with the fossil fuel industry, and work towards a more just and livable future for all.

As future-minded institutions, our universities play an important role in the climate crisis.

As institutions that are home to the wise and promising talents of both present and future generations, we believe that our universities and their governing bodies have the moral courage to reconsider partnerships with the key perpetrators of the climate crisis and trailblaze a more sustainable future.

To the leaders and decision-makers of our universities, this is your opportunity to create a great, positive change in the lives of many, both in the present and the future. We are depending on you.

Illustration from our report showing a person looking at an oil drill in the horizon.
Illustration from report showcasing a university graduate wearing the graduation cap and gown looking towards the sun and a blue sky.

Who are we?

Students for a Fossil Free Future (S4F) was formed to hold our universities accountable for their contribution to the climate crisis.

We are an inter-university, student-led campaign that urges Singaporean universities to transition away from their current partnerships with the fossil fuel industry, and work towards a more just and liveable future for all. We are inspired by the global Fossil Free movement to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all.

Our team consists of students from four local universities: NUS/Yale-NUS, NTU, SMU, and SUTD. Since 2017, student groups in Yale-NUS, NUS, and NTU have been engaging our respective schools about fossil fuel divestment. Fossil Free Yale-NUS (FFYNC) has been engaging the Yale-NUS administration since 2017. Both FFYNC and Students Taking Action for NUS to Divest (STAND) have been engaging the NUS administration since 2019. NTU Divest has been doing the same in NTU since early 2020. Given the rate of progress, however, we believe that greater awareness on the part of all stakeholders is necessary to incentivise university leaders to make this urgent transition.

Get Involved!

Support our efforts towards a more just and liveable future for all.

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our Movement

Your contributions go towards logistical costs of running our events and activities.


Join our Student Movement

Teams you can join include Capacity-building, Social Media and Finance.  

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Those who support us

Fossil Free Yale-NUS LogoNTU Divest LogoStudents Taking Action for NUS to Divest (STAND) LogoInter-University Environmental Coalition (IUEC) LogoNUS Save LogoYNSEA LogoEarthlink NTU LogoAction for Environment Conservation LogoYale-NUS Sustainability Movement (i'dECO) LogoDivest Canada Coalition LogoUBC Climate Hub LogoLEAP University of Toronto Logo

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CNA LogoEco-Business LogoStraits Times LogoToday News LogoBerita News LogoThe Octant LogoGreen is the new Black LogoSE ASIA Globe Logo197 Lines Logo